Or What's a Heaven For?
Robert Browning wrote the poem "Andrea del Sarto" in the voice of an elderly, tired artist talking to his young, adulterous wife. While the tone is tired, wistful, and resigned, the work gave the world two extraordinary phrases: "Less is More" and "Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?" Both seem pertinent today.
You may realize I've been silent on the weight loss issue lately. (The subject has been addressed on other blogs for April 17, 2003; May 12, 2003; July 11, 2003; July 25, 2003; October 8, 2003, in New Years Resolutions for 2002 and 2004 -- 2003 is skipped for not doing the resolutions, not for excluding the weight issue -- and in retrospect remembering my long-ago 40th birthday.) If you know me, you know when I'm not talking about it, I'm backsliding, and that's what I've done. I lost from April 2003 to February just at thirty pounds net (gross was a great deal more, with the adding and subtracting.) I did not reach the goal of 235 by the 30th anniversary cruise, and I was honest and didn't buy the camera. I came back from the cruise sick, and between not feeling well, having blown the pattern, and having a series of medical exams, I totally lost the trend and gained back the whole bunch. I've lamented the loss of the loss for a few months, but it's time to take action. And I have.

Of course you now are thinking about the other quotation I mentioned to start, that being "Less is more." Amen. Okay. What do you think I should do when I reach the goal weight? I've got some things I want to get along the way, like the camera and a PDA with a keyboard. But the end goal has to be special. Once upon a time, I was going to go on a genealogical research trip to Devonshire, England, with Mike compliant and letting me do the stuff I want to do while he sits around looking at people, or without him. Maybe that will still be the goal, but it was a great deal more wonderful sounding when I'd never used a passport. What would be wonderful enough now? Comments and suggestions are welcome. More or less. Less is more.
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