I'm Thankful
I'm thankful for my friend Michael Morgan. Michael is serving a 40 year sentence in the Texas Department of Corrections for sexual assault on a child. He is a talented writer who at long last has a chance for publication, a request for him to submit some of his work! He also has put his time in prison to good use in becoming a minister and achieving two college degrees. I'm thankful for a letter he started on Thanksgiving day in which he listed what he was thankful for. I'll not edit it, though I know if he had access to the proper equipment he would have done it himself. Instead, I'll copy it just as he typed it:
What a friend. If you would like to be Michael's friend as well, I know he would appreciate hearing your response to this. You can write him here:
- I'm thankful for an ice cold shower when their are many who do not even have water to drink.
- I'm thankful for these ill fitting clothes I am wearing, because their are so many without none.
- I am thankful for this hot cup of coffee and this fried pie when their are so many that wakes up to greet the morning hungry without the prspect of a forthcomming meal.
- I'm thankful for this beautiful view of a misty morning dawn I am now watching, that is a reminder that there is still beauty in this cruel hard world.
- I'm thankful to those in the world that considers themselves my friends, because their are most here who has no one.
- I'm thankful to my enemies, for they define who I am.
- I'm thankful to [name of the child] and those that stood up to make me face my responsibility for my illicit behaviors, for they are truly friends withiout realizing it.
- I'm thankful for waking up in this warm bunk, when their are somwe that has no roof over their heads.
- I'm beginning to be thankful for this life, because it is allowing me the gift of another day to see and learn the amazing works of our creator.
- I'm thankful for my health, while their are so many more derserving of good health lies sick and dying.
- I'm thankful for my mistakes, for they teach me lessons I would not learn otherwise.
- [Following a poignant description of nursing a field mouse with an apparent broken back to health] I am thankful for the chance to witness and be a part of this minor miracle that God has performed, because I do not know what went on or how this fellow was healed from what looked like a broken back, but I am just thankful for the chance to see and be part of this. Barbara, I cried like a baby holding this little feild mouse fro over an hour. I don't know what happened, but something inside me broke and I felt younger and more alive than I have in a long time. I thank God for this chance to really feel again.
Rev. Michael J. Morgan #873167
Coffield Unit
Rt. 1 Box 150
Tennessee Colony TX 75884
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