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Sharpwriters' Thoughts

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Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Wise Men, Smart Gifts

My friend Nancy Masters told a timeless tale last night, the spirit of Christmas personified. I figured you needed it for your holiday season and to put a smile on your face as you brave the stores, even to buy groceries, this marvelous week. By way of explanation, the elephant is "an old white station wagon that can haul nine just fine" and Nancy for many years has fulfilled a ministry to children whose families don't attend church, picking them up for and taking them home after services at Elmdale Baptist Church.
Fortunately, I am feeling much better, helped greatly by little Tabitha who, as a fourth grader riding home last night next to second grader Hailey in the front seat of the elephant, explained to her that the wise men carried gifts of "gold, frankenstein, and smurfs" to which young Hailey (who looks like a tiny hoot owl) asked analytically, "But how was Jesus going to watch movies about Frankenstein and the smurfs since DVD players hadn't been invented yet?"

Just then we rounded the a corner and before we could get into the turn lane Miss Tabby, knowing she had missed something somewhere but not about to let a second grader catch her in it replied, "Hey, He was Jesus--when you're Jesus you don't need a DVD player."

"Right!" Hailey agreed and they hugged each other fiercely as only two little girls who are best friends can.

The elephant screeched to a halt in front of the pitiful little shack where Hailey lives with her grandparents and older brother and sister. She bounced out singing "We Three Kings of Oreos Are." When I was sure she was inside the house I whispered to Tabby, who looks like a gerbil-sized Julia Roberts, "Well, that was pretty quick thinking."

She giggled. "I might make a pretty good Sunday School teacher like you, Mrs. Nancy, 'cause you sure have to do a lot of fast thinking sometimes."

And the elephant rolled on with the windows down so everyone could hear us singing, "We Three Kings of Oreos are."
Amen, and amen!

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