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Friday, June 10, 2011


David holding Jack Edward and Justin David beside Dezi
That's always meant Irma Lorene Richards Breedlove, born April 16, 1893, at Dublin, Texas. She died April 6, 1977, at Quanah, Texas, four months before my first son David was born. Now "Grandmom" means me. 

David and Dezi (Desirée) double-downed June 9th with Jack Edward Rollins and Justin David Rollins. Both are 17 inches long. Jack debuted at five pounds, three ounces. Justin at three pounds, fourteen ounces. Yesterday he broke that four pound mark, and we can get them together when he is more enthusiastic about eating naturally rather than the easier tube, but at this point Justin's in the NICU. They're both fine, as are David and Dezi. And Grandmom? That's still Irma. But it's me. That will take some time to assimilate. 

Jack Edward Rollins with Grandmom
I had been in Plano where the hospital is and Frisco where their house is since Monday, June 6, when David's world melted down. Dezi had been in the hospital a week, and after dog-sitting issues and an emergency run to the vet, then plumbing problems flooding David in the face, with issues to address at work, the desire to be with Dezi at the hospital while conserving days to be at home with new babies... with drama in general, David said if it was convenient he'd like to have me come, so I was there within hours and delighted. 

These modern parents are so neat. David set it up so Dezi had a computer (his, since hers balked) in her hospital room, and he sat in the office Skyped into the hospital room. He could see and hear what went on. Once the doctor came in and observed David didn't appear to be paying attention, what with his sitting there programming busily with headphones on. David turned and stuck his tongue out. Dr. Kaye reciprocated. Bad examples. The next time they ran a sonogram, Jack stuck his tongue out at the doctor. 

Justin David with grandfather who has not selected
a moniker and Grandmom
Well, we were getting along. I'd been at the house Wednesday morning when a repairman came to put up blinds on two large arched windows, then went to the hospital. As we visited, I got a phone call from a court administrator reminding me I was to be in court in Abilene as a visiting judge the next morning – about an hour before my calendar emailed me the same information. I finished up some errands, grocery shopping, etc., ate out with David, and left about 7:45 to drive to Abilene. I told David if I left they were going to come. I was kidding since Dezi didn't show any sign of that being imminent (other than being 35 weeks pregnant of course).

Pop and Grandmom with first great-grandchild,
Donna Ellen Tole Epps

So, I drove home, getting there after eleven. The next eight hours held some drama and not much sleep and David's call that a count had dropped below the acceptable level and they would take the babies at noon. I dressed, went to the courthouse and begged out of judging, lined up a kennel, went home to get the dogs, took the dogs but not the necessary medication for one, went back to the house and typed out instructions from my GPS as to how to get to the hospital without driving on toll roads (at Mike's request), got everything packed except the makeup bag from the bathroom, looked for my GPS I'd used to type the instructions, discussed with Mike going in my car with the toll tag, but he wanted the freedom not to stay as long as I would want to stay. I told him he could leave me there and come back. He chose for us to take two cars. I looked for the GPS again, and again, took the medicine and a dog toy to the kennel, and drove back to the Metromess, got bad lost without the GPS, and finally got to the hospital, walking in at the same time Mike did since he couldn't find one of the roads on the instructions with all the road construction. So. That was a rather sleepless couple of days. I slept well, bought some makeup, visited at the hospital and did other things, was there the first night Jack was home, visited Justin in the NICU and came home a week ago tomorrow. I'll go back soon for more lessons on what it is to be Grandmom!
Alma Ellen Anderson Breedlove (Mother)
and David at one week
Barbara and Mike
Pop and Grandmom
March 2, 1974

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At 7:55 PM , Blogger Heath Trivett said...

awesome pictures! wholesome!

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I told him he could leave me there and come back. He chose for us to take two cars.

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At 8:25 AM , Anonymous my website said...

Very inspiring story. Hope you'll get better soon!

At 12:26 PM , Blogger Janwil said...

This is awesome information shared here.

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At 6:24 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Great story to read. Thanks for sharing.

At 12:36 PM , Blogger Anna said...

Thank for this blog, it's great content you shared.

At 5:51 AM , Anonymous radon in Ohio said...

Very interesting story! I really miss my grandmom upon reading this.

At 9:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

These photos are so priceless!
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At 9:05 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

That was a rather sleepless couple of days. plastering drywall

At 5:30 AM , Blogger Nathalie said...

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. Keep on posting.

At 12:13 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

The next time they ran a sonogram, Jack stuck his tongue out at the doctor. kichen painting contractor

At 3:37 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

It is priceless, thank you for sharing your story. contact us

At 2:15 AM , Blogger Paty5 said...

You have a great blog! Thanks for sharing this one. Keep on posting.

At 2:48 PM , Anonymous Security meshing said...

What a lovely photograph!

At 12:20 PM , Anonymous HVAC Company said...

Sounds like a lot of struggles but it's great how you kept pushing without letting discouragement get the best of you. In those situations when it gets hard, I am happy to have a company that will take care of my problems like Comfort Temp. Link on the comment. 100% recommended.

At 12:24 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

What a cute photos.

At 3:54 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Irma Lorene Richards Breedlove, was a very important person in their life but has since passed away. The author now holds the title of "Grandmom," which they are still adjusting to. Their son David and his partner Dezi recently had twin boys named Jack Edward and Justin David. Justin is currently in the NICU, but both babies are doing well. The author describes the modern parenting techniques of David and Dezi, including David Skyping into the hospital room and even sticking his tongue out at the doctor through the camera. The author also describes a hectic few days leading up to the birth of the twins and their visit to the hospital.

At 5:18 PM , Anonymous Move Management said...

They look so happy with their kid.

At 9:37 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

It sounds like you have had quite an eventful time with the birth of your great-grandchildren! It's heartwarming to hear about the love and support that your family has for each other, and it's great that modern technology has allowed you to stay connected even when you're not physically together. It's understandable that it may take some time to adjust to your new role as Grandmom, but it's clear that you have a lot of love to give. Wishing you and your family all the best!

At 12:25 PM , Anonymous Agile Onboarding said...

Congratulations on becoming a grandmother! This is such an exciting time in your life, and I'm sure you're looking forward to all of the joys and adventures that come with being a grandparent.

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At 7:34 AM , Anonymous concrete abilene tx said...

Indeed you have a good taste of poetry.

At 9:48 PM , Anonymous Ktty said...

Wow. That's pure love! My grandma from Frisco loves me so much! Reading your blog makes me miss her now.

At 12:30 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

The next time they ran a sonogram, Jack stuck his tongue out at the doctor.

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At 7:04 AM , Blogger anonymous said...

I advised him to leave me there and return later. He decided that we should take two cars. | atlanta mold testing

At 8:14 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

That will take some time to assimilate.
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At 8:09 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

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David turned and stuck his tongue out.

At 8:56 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

This is such an exciting time in your life, and I'm sure you're looking forward to all of the joys and adventures that come with being a grandparent.
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At 1:22 PM , Blogger Anna said...

Thanks for the share, great content indeed. brick masonry

At 5:52 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Congratulations on the arrival of your grandchildren! It sounds like you've had a whirlwind of experiences, from the hospital visits to the joy of welcoming Jack and Justin into the world. Becoming a grandparent is a special and transformative experience, and it seems like you're embracing the role of "Grandmom" with love and enthusiasm. news

At 1:25 PM , Anonymous professional photographer honolulu said...

It's a beautiful thing to witness life's cycles and inherit titles with such rich legacy. Your words paint a heartwarming picture of a family growing, names echoing across generations, and love weaving its tender threads through triumphs and challenges.

At 1:44 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Wishing you and your expanding family all the best as you navigate the joys and adventures that come with being a grandparent!

At 9:25 AM , Blogger Kerstin said...

Thanks for the awesome content you shared. Germantown Paint Company

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He chose for us to take two cars.

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At 11:25 PM , Anonymous click here said...

That will take some time to assimilate.

At 3:05 PM , Anonymous Security fence said...

Congratulations on the arrival of David and Dezi's twins, Jack and Justin! It sounds like an exciting and happy time, even with the challenges involved.

At 4:43 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

The narrative is a heartfelt account of a significant family moment, capturing the joys, challenges, and unexpected turns surrounding the arrival of your grandchildren. financing

At 5:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greetings from Wilmington! You're such a sweet grandma. :)

At 9:44 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

The next eight hours held some drama and not much sleep and David's call that a count had dropped below the acceptable level and they would take the babies at noon.
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At 10:18 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

That will take some time to assimilate.

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At 5:59 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

The next eight hours held some drama and not much sleep and David's call that a count had dropped below the acceptable level and they would take the babies at noon.
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At 3:46 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

It sounds like quite the whirlwind of events, but it's heartwarming to hear about the new additions to your family and your transition into the role of "Grandmom." Despite the challenges and sleepless nights, your dedication and support for your family shine through.

At 3:42 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

It sounds like you've had quite a whirlwind of events, transitioning into the role of "Grandmom" amidst the joy and chaos of welcoming new additions to the family. Your account reflects the mix of emotions and experiences that come with such significant life changes. From the drama of preparing for the babies' arrival to the heartwarming moments spent with them in the hospital and at home, your narrative captures the essence of family bonds and the journey of becoming a grandparent. Wishing you and your expanding family all the best as you navigate this exciting new chapter together!

At 8:52 AM , Anonymous cincinnati wedding rings said...

It sounds like a beautiful and heartwarming family moment, with generations coming together to celebrate new life and the passing of the torch from one generation to the next.

At 10:21 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

It sounds like a whirlwind of events and emotions surrounding the arrival of Jack Edward Rollins and Justin David Rollins into your family. From the challenges and drama leading up to their births to the joy and wonder of finally meeting them, each moment is filled with its own unique blend of excitement and apprehension.

At 10:48 AM , Blogger khaye530 said...

The journey from welcoming Jack Edward and Justin David into the world to the whirlwind of emotions and events surrounding their arrival is heartwarming. Your narrative captures the essence of family, resilience, and the evolving role of "Grandmom." It's clear that these modern parents are handling everything with grace and innovation, and your support during this time is both inspiring and comforting. Congratulations on becoming "Grandmom" – a role that truly suits you, even as you adjust to its new meaning.

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At 11:12 AM , Anonymous Spinal decompression naples said...

This is a lovely and touching message about the arrival of twin grandsons and the changing dynamics of family. It's clear that Irma Lorene Richards Breedlove, or Grandma Irma as she was known, held a special place in your heart. Her passing just before your son David's birth is bittersweet, but it's beautiful that you're carrying on the tradition of "Grandmom" and creating new memories with your own family.

At 6:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grandma's love is incomparable!

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At 4:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful story! Loved reading about grandmom. Best,

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Love this story, thank you for sharing about Jack Edward and Justin David. Would love to create individual charcuterie boards for them.

At 2:03 PM , Blogger jan said...

You have a good content! | Collierville Roof Pros Roofer

At 12:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great pictures. It warms the heart to see the love and memories. Katy cleaning services

At 3:14 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

The story reflects a significant family transition, as the narrator embraces the role of "Grandmom" while recounting the birth of twin grandsons, Jack Edward and Justin David. Born prematurely, both are healthy, though Justin remains in the NICU for now. The piece blends humor, family dynamics, and emotions, particularly as the narrator adjusts to the idea of stepping into the grandparent role, which had long belonged to her own grandmother, Irma Lorene Richards Breedlove. Despite the whirlwind of events, love and support remain central. projects

At 11:55 AM , Blogger KellyP said...

That sounds like a really tough week for David. It's great that you were there to support him and Dezi during such a difficult time. I'm glad you were able to be with them both at the hospital and at home.

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