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Friday, September 02, 2011

A Cloud of Witnesses

Silver Boomer Books is awaiting the "birth" of our 18th book. What a WILD ride we've had since that October day in 2005 when the button of an idea appeared. And Thanks! to each of you who have supported us along the way in this grand adventure.

I'm pleased with this book, though I can't say that without the guilt which seems natural when I say I'm did anything well, but you've been gracious enough to tell me you like my work and look forward to each new book. And this is the thirteenth book (not all among those 18 books!) with my name on the cover. My books include:
  • Fingerprint Evidence
  • Cause of Death
  • Ballistics
  • Blood Evidence
(These are part of the Forensic Crime Solvers series from Capstone Press, high-low books meaning third grade reading level but wide interest level)

  • Silver Boomers - prose and poetry by and about baby boomers
  • Freckles to Wrinkles
  • This Path
  • From the Porch Swing - Memories of our Grandparents
  • Flashlight Memories
  • The Harsh and the Heart - Celebrating the Military
(These six anthologies from Silver Boomer Books show me on the cover as an editor, and I have work in each of them as well.)
  •  A Time for Verse - Poetic Ponderings on Ecclesiastes, written by me, and
  • A Cloud of Witnesses - Two Big Books and Us by Barbara B. Rollins with OAStepper.
I'm delighted to say I may have another book I'm hoping we'll have out for Christmas, another I wrote, and illustrated by Sandy Carter. Her work is AWESOME!

This isn't about all my books, though, but A Cloud of Witnesses now being prepared to print and send this direction. It's special to me in that it acknowledges those people - whether pictured or not - who have inspired me and touched me and moved me in my path thus far. My dedication is: 

The explanation of the meaning is:
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. ~ Hebrews 12:1-2a (NIV)
We have come to believe He would like us to keep our heads in the clouds with Him, but that our feet ought to be firmly planted on earth... We have found nothing incompatible between a powerful spiritual experience and a life of sane and happy usefulness. ~ Alcoholics Anonymous, page 130.
The five-year-old within trembles with fear, para­lyzed, seeing no one but strangers, disa­proving and aloof. That same child in a grown-up body stepping into a roomful of strangers with a common problem, sharing a common solution, delights in coming home. Even Jesus said, “By myself, I can do nothing.” How much greater is that truth for us? Yet, we’re not alone. If we keep our heads in the clouds, running the race marked out for us, what wondrous results we realize!

We replicate the universe and humanity – history, past, present, and yet to come – and the spirit of holiness and of our fellows melds uniquely to individualize each of us.

Be quiet and feel the presence of God and your own cloud of witnesses. Pause in chaos to sense their peace, to claim your peace.

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At 10:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 1:08 AM , Anonymous Laura said...

Great blog I enjoyed reading it


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